"Soulcalibur IV," released in 2008 by Namco Bandai Games, follows in the tradition of previous Soul Caliber titles by offering the...
Ultimate Aran AP Guide for "MapleStory"
The Aran is a special character class in the online adventure game "MapleStory." With most classes you select different Jobs as yo...
How to Unlock Characters on Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure for Xbox
"Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure" uses the game engine from "Tony Hawk 4" and features several famous Disney charac...
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Game Cheats
"The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker" was released in 2003 for Nintendo GameCube. Modern games are not mere base of entertainment,...
Cheats for "Sky Kingdoms"
"Sky Kingdoms" doesn't have any actual cheat codes, but learning some tips can help you advance through the game and get more ...
Cheats for "'Dark Alliance" for Game Cube
Cheats for "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance" range from codes to increase strength or skills to a way to play as a character from...
"Tomb Raider 1" Home Cheats
Tomb Raider, one of the first video games to take advantage of 3D graphics, begins as most games do, with a tutorial. Tomb Raider's tuto...