"Bud Redhead: The Time Chase" is a side-scrolling PC game about Bud Redhead, a teenager who's on a quest to save his girlfriend, who was abducted by an alien. Bud encounters castles, forests and spaceships on his journey. More modern games are not just base of entertainment, rather these need some ability to play and win. The computer produced opponents fight against the gamers and defeating them is a big deal. The gaming companies deliver games cheat methods to the players so that they might thrash the harmful enemies. These cheats are generally the codes that are used for giving a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These allow the gamers in growing to the next level by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are available with all kinds of games. Even so, it is advised not to use them very frequently usually one can loose the pleasure after playing for sometime. These can be used when a software leads to problems in computer or freezes it. In some cases, the developers their selves deliver the codes so that the players could be introduced to the next levels of the game. Not every person will acknowledge that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They look at cheating as a dreadful trait and consequently cheat codes should not be used. However, these turn into very helpful when the gamer is not getting any vision how to go forward while playing game. For instance, one wants to jump up to other grades without completing previous ones. The cheats become useful in this circumstance as the players do not get irritated. There are many cheats for this game; most of these transport you to a level of your choice instantly. Other cheats make the game easier to complete.
Go to "Password" from the main menu and select the colors in a specific sequence to access different levels. To enter the second level of the Forest (which is the first world), use the password "Light Blue," "Brown," "Dark Blue," "Green" and "Green." Input "Dark Blue," "Green," "Red," "Light Blue" and "Dark Blue" to go to the third level, "Green," "Red," "Red," "Brown" and "Dark Blue" to go to the fourth level or "Light Blue," "Green," "Red," "Brown" and "Light Blue" to go to the fifth level.
Input the cheat "Red," "Brown," "Green," "Dark Blue" and "Light Blue" to enter the first level of the Egypt world or "Brown," "Light Blue," "Red," "Green" and "Brown" to enter the second. The password "Green," "Dark Blue," "Dark Blue," "Light Blue" and "Light Blue" takes you to the third Egypt level. "Green," "Light Blue," "Light Blue" "Red" and "Light Blue" takes you to the fourth level and "Dark Blue," "Brown," "Brown," "Red" and "Green" puts you in the fifth and final level of this world.
Go straight to the first level in the Castle world by entering "Red," "Green," "Red," "Dark Blue" and "Light Blue," or input "Green," "Green," "Brown," "Light Blue" and "Brown" to play the second level. Enter levels three, four or five of the Castle world by using the cheats "Light Blue," "Light Blue," "Green," "Red" and "Brown," "Brown," "Dark Blue," "Brown," "Light Blue" and "Green" or "Green," "Red," "Red," "Light Blue" and "Red," respectively.
Spaceship and End Boss
Enter the password "Dark Blue," "Red," "Green," "Green" and "Red" to play the first Spaceship level. Input "Green," "Dark Blue," "Light Blue," "Green" and "Dark Blue" to play the second level, or "Brown," "Light Blue," "Red," "Light Blue" and "Green" to play the third. Use the codes "Red," "Green," "Dark Blue," "Light Blue" and "Dark Blue" or "Brown," "Light Blue," "Brown," "Green" and "Light Blue" to go to the fourth and fifth levels, respectively. To go to the final boss fight, enter the cheat "Light Blue," "Red," "Green," "Dark Blue" and "Red."
In-Game Cheat Codes
These cheats can be entered at any point during gameplay. Type the cheat code "spikedshoes," and all the slippery surfaces will no longer be slippery. Enter the cheat "showmeall" to reveal all of the hidden items and coins in the game, making them much easier to collect. The cheat "fullenergy" fills up your energy bar to its optimum level, and "lifeplease" supplies you with an extra life. Go even further and type in the cheat code "liveforever" to get an infinite amount of lives.
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