Enigma: Rising Tide is a computer game that tries to simulate the hectic sea battles of World War II ships. Produced by Tesseration Games, the game focuses on either a massive multiplayer online gaming, or individual storylines. It is set in an alternate past, but still modeled after WWII warfare. The game puts a heavy emphasis on strategy and fast game play, which can be enhanced and made easier to play with certain cheats.
Tips and Cheats
Try the depth charge dodge tactic. Often during the game you will have to face a Destroyer level battleship or a Fast Attack Craft, while you are in a submarine, and they will often depth charge you (dropping explosives in your vicinity). To avoid dying because of the explosions, stay around the depth of 10 meters. Keep your periscope up, because you want your opponents to see you--which will cause them to turn toward you. Once they do, fire two torpedos on either side of their hull, which will cause them to evade and stop dropping depth charges at you for a moment. Or, if it doesn't evade, it will be hit with a torpedo and destroyed. If the Destroyer does evade, it will turn back on you eventually, so crash dive to a depth of 150 meters and you can have extra time to hide below the battleship's sonar range--thus, successfully hiding you from the ship.
A cheat for Enigma: Rising Tide is available through a downloadable trainer. A trainer is a program from a third party (not the game developer) that allows you to turn certain features of the game off and on by manipulating, intercepting and altering the memory addresses of a game. The latest games are not simple reference of entertainment, quite these require some expertise to play and win. The computer generated opponents fight against the gamers and defeating them is a big deal. The gaming companies offer games cheat parts to the players so that they may thrash the violent enemies. These cheats are basically the codes that are used for giving a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These facilitate the gamers in advancing to the next step by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are attainable with all kinds of games. Even so, it is advised not to use them very often otherwise one can loose the enjoyment after playing for sometime. These can be used when a software leads to issues in computer or freezes it. In some instances, the developers on their own present the codes so that the players could be introduced to the next levels of the game. Not every individual will acknowledge that games cheat techniques are the right things to be used while playing games. They look at cheating as a nasty trait and consequently cheat codes should not be used. However, these come to be very helpful when the gamer is not becoming any clue how to go in advance while playing game. For example, one wants to jump up to other grades without filling out previous ones. The cheats turn into useful in this situation as the players do not get annoyed. The downloadable trainer for Rising Tide (which can be downloaded from the resources link) allows the user to manipulate three things: Unlimited Armor, Unlimited Gun Ammo and Unlimited Torpedoes. To allow the trainer to work, it must be running the background while you play the game, and it only works during single-player missions (and not multiplayer campaigns). Download the trainer but don't open it immediately. Start the game and begin playing, switch back to the Windows screen and open your downloaded trainer program. Once open, the options will be listed in a very basic format allowing you to turn on or off the unlimited armor, guns or torpedos by clicking on the respective box. Once open, leave the trainer running and go back to playing your game. It will now have intercepted the memory of the game and allow you to have unlimited attributes. Leave the trainer on during the remainder of the game and once finished, shut off both of the programs.
Enigma rising tide battle by sfu-jack - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wJJKlS9CbQGerman: Ich kmpfe mit einen amerikanischen Zerstrer der Fletcher Klasse gegen eine Japanische flotte. English: I fight with an American Fletcher Class ...
Enigma: Rising Tide Wikipedia
de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma:_Rising_TideTranslate this pageEnigma: Rising Tide ist eine Ende 2002 verffentlichte Marinesimulation. Sie wurde von Tesseraction Games ab 2000 ursprnglich als Online-Simulation entwickelt ...
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Enigma Rising Tide [HD] - YouTube
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