"Disciples II: Gold Edition" offers several different campaigns, as you choose a species and engage in strategic turn-based gameplay to control the world. This PC title offers plenty of cheats you can use for various effects in the game. When on the world map, press the "Enter" key to open the cheat console. Type in the code you want and hit "Enter" again to activate the cheat.
Party Help
Heal all members of your party with the code "help!" Boost their experience level by entering the cheat "jump." Move your party members up to the next experience level by inputting "stairwaytoheaven." Reset to full the party movement points with the code "borntorun." Revive any fallen units with the code "lifeisacarnival."
Map Tricks
View the full map with the cheat "herecomesthesun." Increase the challenge by hiding the map. Enter "paintitblack" to do so. Advance one day in the game by entering "letsdothetimewarpagain."
Diplomatic Relations
Use the code "cometogether" to form an alliance with all other countries in the game. Similarly, you can make peace with all of the other countries by using the code "givepeaceachance." If you are the contrary sort, enter "badtothebone" to be at war with other countries.
Miscellaneous Cheats
Win the mission you are playing by using the cheat "wearethechampions." Enter "loser" to lose the mission. The latest games are not mere base of entertainment, alternatively these require some abilities to play and win. The computer developed opponents fight against the players and overcoming them is a big deal. The gaming companies supply games cheat parts to the players so that they may thrash the violent enemies. These cheats are generally the codes that are used for allowing a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These allow the gamers in growing to the next stage by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are accessible with all genres of games. Even so, it is advised not to use them very quite often usually one can loose the pleasure after playing for sometime. These can be used when a software leads to complications in computer or freezes it. In some cases, the developers their selves present the codes so that the players could be unveiled to the next stages of the game. Not every individual will recognize that games cheat techniques are the right things to be used while playing games. They think about cheating as a terrible trait and as a result cheat codes should not be used. However, these turn into very helpful when the gamer is not becoming any idea how to go forward while playing game. For illustration, one wants to jump up to other grades without finishing previous ones. The cheats turn into useful in this scenario as the players do not get irritated. The computer-controlled factions will ignore you if you enter "invisibletouch." Get an easy 9,999 gold and mana with the cheat "moneyfornothing."
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