"Dark Cloud" for PlayStation 2 is the first of a popular role-playing video game series. Innovative games are not simple base of entertainment, rather these involve some capabilities to play and win. The computer created opponents fight against the gamers and conquering them is a big deal. The gaming companies supply games cheat methods to the players so that they may thrash the harmful enemies. These cheats are essentially the codes that are used for giving a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These facilitate the gamers in accelerating to the next step by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are offered with all genres of games. Nonetheless, it is advised not to use them very frequently otherwise one can loose the excitement after playing for sometime. These can be used when a software will cause troubles in computer or freezes it. In some scenarios, the developers their selves offer the codes so that the players could be introduced to the next levels of the game. Not every individual will acknowledge that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They think about cheating as a nasty trait and as a result cheat codes should not be used. However, these become very helpful when the gamer is not receiving any clue how to go forward while playing game. For instance, one wants to jump up to other grades without filling out previous ones. The cheats grow to be valuable in this case as the players do not get irritated. Characters fight creatures to gain experience and to grow in power. Your character's weapons will grow in power the longer you use them, eventually evolving into more powerful versions of the weapons you had. Ruby, who uses rings, armlets and bracelets, evolves her weapons just like anyone else. But there's a quick trick to getting her bracelets evolved more quickly.
- 1
Find a monster encounter. As in many role-playing games, the more powerful the monster is, the more experience it will be worth for increasing your weapons and characters more quickly.
2Fight the monster with a more powerful character. Toran or Goro might have stronger weapons that deal more damage than Ruby's bracelets, for instance, especially while they're weaker in the earlier levels.
3Switch your fighting character to Ruby just as the monster is dying. This way Ruby and her bracelets get the necessary xp for participating, and you can level her equipment up much more quickly. Check the inventory screen under "Weapons" to see when Ruby's bracelets are ready to evolve and change.
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