In "Kudos Rock Legend," you have the chance to take on one of the most exciting roles in the world--that of the world's greatest rock star. This simulation has you start out with absolutely nothing and has you build a band from the ground up, adding bandmates and booking gigs. However, there are a few shortcuts you can take on your way to the top.
A Note on Cheats
To perform these cheats, you'll need to go into certain files meant for the game, so back them up in a different file folder before you do anything.
Tons of Money Cheat
Is that opening total of $33 not enough for your rocking needs? Make that grow quite a bit by using the starting-cash cheat. Go into the "Rock Legend" folder under "Program Files." Then, go into the "Data" folder to bring up the game's configurations. Here, open the "config" document, which has the game's opening configurations. Scroll down to the bottom of the document. There will be a line of text that says "RS_STARTINGCASH = 33.00." Change that number value to whatever amount you want. Modern games are not just reference of entertainment, relatively these need some abilities to play and win. The computer produced opponents fight against the players and conquering them is a big deal. The gaming companies supply games cheat methods to the players so that they could thrash the frightening enemies. These cheats are basically the codes that are used for supplying a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These support the gamers in progressing to the next phase by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are available with all types of games. Nevertheless, it is advised not to use them very often otherwise one can loose the excitement following playing for sometime. These can be used when a software factors complications in computer or freezes it. In some instances, the developers their selves deliver the codes so that the players could be launched to the next grades of the game. Not every individual will recognize that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They think about cheating as a nasty trait and as a result cheat codes should not be used. However, these turn into very helpful when the gamer is not becoming any idea how to go ahead while playing game. For illustration, one wants to jump up to other stages without completing previous ones. The cheats grow to be effective in this situation as the players do not get frustrated. You can go as high as 999999.99.
Other Cheats
Now that you have the config document open due to your need for more money, you can monkey around with the file for even more benefits. Under "GAME_DURATION_YEARS = 5," change the length of the career mode. Continue moving on down, and each value in the file is accompanied by an explanation of what it does. Want to ensure that your song becomes a classic? Change the chances under "RS_CLASSIC_SONG_CHANCE" from .38 to .99. Want to become a better songwriter faster? Change the value on "RS_SONGWRITING_PER_SONG" from .1 to .8. Finally, to get a bigger cut of each album sale, change it under "RS_ALBUM_ARTIST_SHARE" from .78 to .99 to take almost all of it.
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