The PlayStation 3 (PS3) video game "Grand Theft Auto IV," or "GTA IV," places you in the role of Niko Bellic, a Russian immigrant who chooses to ascend the hierarchy of organized crime. The game takes place in the fictional Liberty City, a sprawling urban landscape full of automobiles that can be easily stolen. Much of the game play involves driving stolen automobiles, but it is possible to hijack helicopters as well. You can use cheats to access helicopters more easily.
Spawn Buzzard Helicopter
You can create, or spawn, a new helicopter by dialing specific numbers into the in-game cell phone. Open up the cell phone by pressing the "Up" button and dialing in the following number to spawn a "Buzzard" style helicopter: 359-555-2899
Spawn Annihilator Police Helicopter
You can spawn the powerful police helicopter right in front of Niko by dialing in a special number into his cell phone. To spawn the "Annihilator" police helicopter, dial the following number using the in-game cell phone: 359-555-0100
Carbine Rifle
The carbine rifle is a powerful weapon that can be obtained with the help of a helicopter. You can spawn a helicopter (see the previous two cheats) and fly to the "Statue of Happiness" on "Happiness Island." Inside the first floor of the statue, there will be a guard with a carbine rifle. Steal it from him to obtain this powerful weapon.
Mid-Air Cars
While in a helicopter, you can enter a cheat code that creates a car in mid-air. For instance, when the in-game cell phone is activated and the following number is typed in, a "Cognoscenti" car will appear in mid-air: 227-555-0142
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GTA IV (ps3) cheat codes on helicopter HD - YouTube
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GTA IV how to get a Helicopter (no cheats) PS3 - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hgVsCA9rjwThis is how to get a helicopter with out using cheats, on the map go to bottom right of the second island.
Helicopter - GTA Wiki, the Grand Theft Auto Wiki - GTA IV, San ...
gta.wikia.com/HelicopterThis article is about helicopters in general. For helicopters assuming the "Helicopter" name...
Cheats for Infinite Health in "GTA IV" for PS3 eHow
www.ehow.com PS3 Game CheatsCheats for Infinite Health in "GTA IV" for PS3. "Grand Theft Auto IV" is an open-world adventure game developed by Rockstar for the PlayStation 3. The video game puts ...
Grand Theft Auto IV Cheats GTA IV Cheats GTA 4 Cheats
www.gtaivcheats.net/2008/02/gta-iv-cheats-ps3.htmlSubmit cheats to gta4cheats@gmail.com! Dial all cheats into Niko's cell phone: Health 482-555-0100 Armor 362-555-0100 Weapons 1 (Baseball Bat, Handgun, Shotgun,
Cheat Code Police Helicopter - GTA - PC Cheats- GTA IV Cheats ...
www.cheat-gta.com/?p=cheat_detail&cid=1&cheat_id=292The police helicopter in Grand Theft Auto 4 is the only flying vehicles that have a lot of firepower.Type in the cheat in your GTA 4 cellphone and you can fly the ...
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How to Do phone cheats in GTA IV PlayStation 3
ps3.wonderhowto.com/how-to/do-phone-cheats-gta-iv-181091Kristin Holt from is here to show you how to get ahead in GTA IV just by using your phone in addition to the pigeon locations.
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How to Use cheats in GTA IV PlayStation 3
ps3.wonderhowto.com/how-to/use-cheats-gta-iv-179660Kristin Holt from G4TV is here to offer you some choice cheats for GTA IV.
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www.gamesegment.com/cheats/GTA-IV-Cheat-Codes-4-Xbox-360.cfmGTA IV Cheat Codes 4 Xbox 360 Cheat codes, cheats, walk-throughs, FAQs, hints, and tips for Xbox360. Thousands of cheat codes on hundreds of pages.
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Cheat for gta iv monster truck ps3 - The Q&A wiki
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Grand Theft Auto IV Cheats GTA IV Cheats GTA 4 Cheats
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A Definitive GTA IV Guide for Blockable Trophies ...
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GTA IV: We have the cheats! GamesRadar - Video Games, Cheats ...
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Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony Cheats, Codes ...
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