Released for Nintendo's GameCube entertainment system in 2001, "Tarzan Untamed" is a video game adaptation of Disney's "Tarzan" film, itself an adaptation of the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel. Playing as Tarzan, with the help of his friend Terk, players will encounter several opportunities to unlock secret characters and items.
First World
Although it's not necessary to complete all of Terk's challenges in the first world to progress to the second, doing so will unlock both a new character and a new move. It will unlock Jane as a playable character, but only for the waterskiing and river-surfing stages. Completing all of the challenges will also unlock the "ground tumble" move for use by Tarzan in any of the stages.
Second World
Just like in the first world of "Tarzan: Untamed," the key to unlocking more secrets in the second world is in the completion of every last one of Terk's challenges. Completing all of these tasks will unlock two playable characters -- the porter and the scarecrow -- for the river-surfing and waterskiing stages.
Third World
Complete all of Terk's challenges in the third world to unlock Tarzan's "corkscrew" ability. Innovative games are not just reference of entertainment, instead these demand some capabilities to play and win. The computer produced enemies fight against the gamers and defeating them is a big deal. The gaming companies offer games cheat methods to the players so that they could thrash the frightening enemies. These cheats are essentially the codes that are used for allowing a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These support the gamers in growing to the next stage by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are offered with all kinds of games. Nevertheless, it is advised not to use them very frequently otherwise one can loose the pleasure following playing for sometime. These can be used when a software factors troubles in computer or freezes it. In some instances, the developers themselves provide the codes so that the players could be introduced to the next grades of the game. Not every individual will recognize that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They look at cheating as a nasty trait and therefore cheat codes should not be used. However, these become very helpful when the gamer is not becoming any hint how to go ahead while playing game. For instance, one wants to jump up to other stages without finishing previous ones. The cheats turn into helpful in this case as the players do not get frustrated. Three stages at the very end of the game offer additional challenges. Successfully completing all of these final tasks will unlock Terk himself as a playable character for all of the game's levels. You can even start a new game and play through the whole adventure again as Terk.
Hidden Movie
The game's "exploration" stages -- that is, those in which Tarzan isn't sliding down trees but walking around discovering new paths --have a total of 75 film reels hidden throughout them. Some of the reels are in plain sight and are easy to collect by walking into them. Others are hidden away at the end of branching paths. The key to finding all 75 is to go back through each stage and carefully explore all alternate routes. Once you've collected all 75 reels all, you will unlock a hidden "Tarzan" movie viewable from the main menu.
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