"Pokemon SoulSilver" is the Nintendo DS remake of "Pokemon Silver." "Pokemon Silver" originally came out in 2000 for the Game Boy Color. The Nintendo DS remake allowed for touchscreen controls that were technically impossible in 2000, enhancing the game play of "Pokemon SoulSilver."
National Pokedex
After defeating the Elite Four, you can get the National Pokedex by going to the S.S. Aqua located in Olivine City. This will allow you to catch and record all 251 Pokemon in the series. Innovative games are not simply reference of entertainment, instead these need some capabilities to play and win. The computer produced opponents fight against the players and defeating them is a big deal. The gaming companies provide games cheat methods to the players so that they might thrash the harmful enemies. These cheats are basically the codes that are used for supplying a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These support the gamers in growing to the next step by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are accessible with all types of games. However, it is advised not to use them very often otherwise one can loose the excitement just after playing for sometime. These can be used when a software leads to problems in computer or freezes it. In some scenarios, the developers themselves present the codes so that the players could be unveiled to the next stages of the game. Not every person will acknowledge that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They think of cheating as a nasty trait and hence cheat codes should not be used. However, these become very helpful when the gamer is not having any clue how to go forward while playing game. For example, one wants to jump up to other grades without finishing previous ones. The cheats turn into valuable in this situation as the players do not get annoyed. Without the National Pokedex, you can only record Pokemon from the Johto region.
! and ? Unknown
After you catch all 26 Unkown (a-z) the ! and ?, Unknown will appear in the hall entrance allowing you to catch them.
In Game Reset
If you need to reset your game, you can do so by using the following prompt. While adventuring in the game press "Left" + "Right" + "Start" + "Select" simultaneously. This will reset the game for you.
Trainer Card Colors
Earning stars will allow you to unlock different colored trainer cards. Collecting all shining leaves, collecting all 493 Pokemon, and defeating the Elite 4 will allow you to earn stars.
Blue Card - 1 Star
Bronze Card - 2 Stars
Silver Card - 3 Stars
Gold Card - 4 Stars
Black Card - 5 Stars
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