
The Game Genie is a cheat system used to modify game data on video game consoles. Game Genie can manipulate Nintendo's popular Pokemon Crystal video game. The latest games are not just base of entertainment, relatively these need some knowledge to play and win. The computer generated enemies fight against the players and defeating them is a big deal. The gaming companies deliver games cheat methods to the players so that they may thrash the terrifying enemies. These cheats are basically the codes that are used for supplying a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These facilitate the gamers in advancing to the next step by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are accessible with all genres of games. However, it is advised not to use them very quite often usually one can loose the enjoyment following playing for sometime. These can be used when a software factors issues in computer or freezes it. In some cases, the developers themselves present the codes so that the players could be launched to the next levels of the game. Not every individual will recognize that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They look at cheating as a horrific trait and consequently cheat codes should not be used. However, these come to be very helpful when the gamer is not getting any idea how to go onward while playing game. For illustration, one wants to jump up to other grades without completing previous ones. The cheats grow to be very helpful in this scenario as the players do not get frustrated. Using cheats allows you to increase the power levels of your starter Pokemon, and even replace them with more desired Pokemon.
Increase Starter Pokemon Level
Enter any of these codes at the beginning of the game, before you enter Professor Elm's laboratory to pick your starting Pokemon. After entering the code, pick the Pokemon ball in the middle in order for the code to work.
Enter the code 0AC-E6B-F7E. Your first Pokemon will start out at level 10, instead of the customary level 5.
To have your starter Pokemon at level 20, enter the code 14C-E6B-F7E.
Entering the code 32C-E6B-F7E will increase your Pokemon's level to 50 instead of 5.
Start With Any Pokemon
Use code xxC-E5B-910 before you enter Professor Elm's lab as well. The first two digits, represented by "xx," are interchangeable. Each Pokemon has a separate two-digit combination. After entering the code, enter the lab and select the Pokeball in the middle. See Section 3 for a comprehensive list of Pokemon accessible using the code.
Comprehensive Pokemon Cheats
According to GameFAQ's guide (See References), you can start with each of these Pokemon by using the code in Section 2. Replace the "xx" at the beginning of the code with the two numbers listed next to the Pokemon's name.
01 Bulbasaur
02 Ivysaur
03 Venusaur
04 Charmander
05 Charmeleon
06 Charizard
07 Squirtle
08 Wartortle
09 Blastoise
0A Caterpie
0B Metapod
0C Butterfree
0D Weedle
0E Kakuna
0F Beedrill
10 Pidgey
11 Pidgeotto
12 Pidgeot
13 Rattata
14 Raticate
15 Spearow
16 Fearow
17 Ekans
18 Arbok
19 Pikachu
1A Raichu
1B Sandshrew
1C Sandslash
1D Nidoran (F)
1E Nidorina
1F Nidoqueen
20 Nidoran (M)
21 Nidorino
22 Nidoking
23 Clefairy
24 Clefable
25 Vulpix
26 Ninetales
27 Jigglypuff
28 Wigglytuff
29 Zubat
2A Golbat
2B Oddish
2C Gloom
2D Vileplume
2E Paras
2F Parasect
30 Venonat
31 Venomoth
32 Diglett
33 Dugtrio
34 Meowth
35 Persian
36 Psyduck
37 Golduck
38 Mankey
39 Primeape
3A Growlithe
3B Arcanine
3C Poliwag
3D Poliwhirl
3E Poliwrath
3F Abra
40 Kadabra
41 Alakazam
42 Machop
43 Machoke
44 Machamp
45 Bellsprout
46 Weepinbell
47 Victreebel
48 Tentacool
49 Tentacruel
4A Geodude
4B Graveler
4C Golem
4D Ponyta
4E Rapidash
4F Slowpoke
50 Slowbro
51 Magnemite
52 Magnetron
53 Farfetch'd
54 Doduo
55 Dodrio
56 Seel
57 Dewgong
58 Grimer
59 Muk
5A Shellder
5B Cloyster
5C Gastly
5D Haunter
5E Gengar
5F Onix
60 Drowzee
61 Hypno
62 Krabby
63 Kingler
64 Voltorb
65 Electrode
66 Exeggcute
67 Exegutor
68 Cubone
69 Marowak
6A Hitmonlee
6B Hitmonchan
6C Lickitung
6D Koffing
6E Weezing
6F Rhyhorn
70 Rhydon
71 Chansey
72 Tangela
73 Kangaskhan
74 Horsea
75 Seadra
76 Goldeen
77 Seaking
78 Staryu
79 Starmie
7A Mr. Mime
7B Scyther
7C Jynx
7D Electabuzz
7E Magmar
7F Pinsir
80 Tauros
81 Magicarp
82 Gyarados
83 Lapras
84 Ditto
85 Eevee
86 Vaporeon
87 Jolteon
88 Flareon
89 Porygon
8A Omanyte
8B Omastar
8C Kabuto
8D Kabutops
8E Aerodactyl
8F Snorlax
90 Articuno
91 Zapdos
92 Moltres
93 Dratini
94 Dragonair
95 Dragonite
96 Mewtwo
97 Mew
98 Chikorita
99 Bayleef
9A Meganium
9B Cynaquil
9C Guilava
9D Typhlosion
9E Totodile
9F Croconaw
A0 Feraligatr
A1 Sentret
A2 Furret
A3 Hoothoot
A4 Noctowl
A5 Ledyba
A6 Ledian
A7 Spinarak
A8 Ariados
A9 Crobat
AA Chinchou
AB Lanturn
AC Pichu
AD Cleffa
AE Igglybuff
AF Togepi
B0 Togetic
B1 Natu
B2 Xatu
B3 Mareep
B4 Flaaffy
B5 Ampharos
B6 Bellossom
B7 Marill
B8 Azumarill
B9 Sudowoodo
BA Politoed
BB Hoppip
BC Skiploom
BD Jumpluff
BE Aipom
BF Sunkern
C0 Sunflora
C1 Yanma
C2 Wooper
C3 Quagsire
C4 Espeon
C5 Umbreon
C6 Murkrow
C7 Slowking
C8 Misdreavus
C9 Unown
CA Wobbuffet
CB Girafarig
CC Pineco
CD Forretress
CE Dunsparce
CF Gligar
D0 Steelix
D1 Snubbull
D2 Granbull
D3 Qwilfish
D4 Scizor
D5 Shuckle
D6 Heracross
D7 Sneasel
D8 Teddiursa
D9 Ursaring
DA Slugma
DB Magcargo
DC Swinub
DD Piloswine
DE Corsola
DF Remoraid
E0 Octillery
E1 Delibird
E2 Mantine
E3 Skarmory
E4 Houndour
E5 Houndoom
E6 Kingdra
E7 Phanpy
E8 Donphan
E9 Porygon2
EA Stantler
EB Smeargle
EC Tyrogue
ED Hitmontop
EE Smoochum
EF Elekid
F0 Magby
F1 Miltank
F2 Blissey
F3 Raikou
F4 Entei
F5 Suicune
F6 Larvitar
F7 Pupitar
F8 Tyranitar
F9 Lugia
FA Ho-oh
FB Celebi
FD Egg
Pokemon Crystal Game Shark Codes, GameBoy
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Pokmon Crystal Game Shark Codes - The Ultimate Pokemon
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Pokemon crystal game genie cheats - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI0cTu_TpBcThanks for watching 32C-E6B-F7E Your starting Pokemon will be level 50 (instead of level 5). Only works when you pick the MIDDLE Pokeball. xxC-E5B-910 ...
Pokemon Crystal Cheats - Super Cheats - Game Cheats, Codes
www.supercheats.com/gameboy/pokemoncrystalcheats.htmFind the secret trainers, get info on how to clone Pokemon, shiny Pokemon and various glitches here in our cheats section for Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Crystal Achievements, Glitches, FAQs, Cheat Codes ...
cheatcodes.com/pokemon-crystal-gameboy-cheatsGuaranteed 100% official Pokemon Crystal for Game Boy cheats, codes, unlockables, FAQs, guides, and easter eggs.
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Pokemon Crystal Cheats, Codes for Game Boy Color
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Pokemon Crystal Version Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Game
www.gamefaqs.com/gbc/375087-pokemon-crystal-version/cheatsFor Pokemon Crystal Version on the Game Boy Color, GameFAQs has 2 cheat codes and secrets.
Pokemon Crystal Cheats, Codes, Unlockables - Game Boy
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Pokemon Crystal Cheats, Hints, and Cheat Codes for the
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Pokemon Crystal Cheats, Codes, Unlockables - Game Boy
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How to Download a Free Pokemon Crystal Game On Pc eHow
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Pokemon Crystal cheats, codes, hints, FAQs: Nintendo Game
www.gamewinners.com/game_boy_color/PokemonCrystal.htmCheats, codes, hints, and FAQs for Pokemon Crystal (Game Boy Color).
Pokemon Silver/Gold Cheats, Codes for Game Boy Color
www.cheathappens.com/3554-Game_Boy_Color-Pokemon_Silver_Gold_cheatsPokemon Silver/Gold trainer, cheats, codes, walkthroughs, guides, FAQs and more for Game Boy Color.
GameGenie.com: Game Boy Color (GameShark) Codes - Pokemon
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Pokmon Crystal Gameshark Codes (GBC) - Neoseeker
www.neoseeker.com Gameboy Color Role-Playing FantasyGameshark Codes for: Pokmon Crystal (GBC) ... rating: --- All Poke Balls + Infinite Balls [North America] Replace the XX with the number of the ball you want to use.
Pokemon Crystal Cheats & Codes GamesRadar
www.gamesradar.com/pokemon-crystal/cheatsThe latest Pokemon Crystal cheats available anywhere in the universe, brought to you by the gamers at GamesRadar.
Pokmon Crystal Cheats (GBC Cheats) - Neoseeker Hardware
www.neoseeker.com Games Cheats Game Boy Color PPokmon Crystal Cheats - a collection of cheat codes, unlocks, passwords, commands, tricks, tips, lists (GBC version)
Pokemon Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Game Boy (GB)
www.cheatcc.com/gb/pokemon.htmlThe best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, hints, tips, tricks, and secrets for the Game Boy (GB).
Gameshark Codes for Pokemon Crystal, Emerald, Leaf Green,
gamesharkcode.comGame Shark cheats for Gameboy and Playstation including Pokemon Silver, Gold and Yellow at www.gameshark.com. This is also one of the few places on the web where
Pokemon Crystal Version FAQs, Walkthroughs, and Guides for Game ...
www.gamefaqs.com/gbc/375087-pokemon-crystal-version/faqsFor Pokemon Crystal Version on the Game Boy Color, GameFAQs has 53 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs).
Pokemon Crystal Cheats - Super Cheats - Game Cheats, Codes
www.supercheats.com/gameboy/pokemoncrystalcheats.htmFind the secret trainers, get info on how to clone Pokemon, shiny Pokemon and various glitches here in our cheats section for Pokemon Crystal
GameGenie.com: Game Boy Color (GameShark) Codes - Pokemon
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Codes In Acton Pokmon Crystal Unused SGB (Super Game
www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-iFXOs_hTYEven though Pokmon Crystal is not compatible with the Super Game Boy, it has an unused Super Game Boy border programmed into the game. It can be ...
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