The Hobbit is a computer adventure game published by Sierra Entertainment, and based loosely upon the book by J. R. R. Tolkien. Roast Mutton is a two-part segment of the game, modeled after the chapter where Bilbo has the encounter with the three trolls. The first part involves some combat and an occasional well-timed leap, while the second part involves knowing when to sneak by a troll and when to run.
The floodgates
- 1
Talk to Thorin and Kili before heading down the steps. Thorin will tell you your task, and Kili needs a special plant to cure his illness. Head down the steps, killing the the carnivorous plants as you go. Fight the wolves, then head up to talk to Balin by climbing either the rope or the steps along the opposite wall. Go up the steps behind Balin To find the special plant. Take the plant back to Kili, then return to Balin.
2Leap across to the other ledge and kill the plants there. Follow the blue gems to the levee, then pull the lever to lower the water. Head down into the empty lake bed and fight the jumping critters. Head up the steps along the wall until you get to a rope going down.
3Wait until the wolves and jumping critters below have finished fighting, then go down the rope. Fight the jumping critters, then climb up the rope on the opposite side. Follow the trail of gems to the next levee, then pull the lever there to raise the water level. A series of boards will be raised along with the water.
4Leap from board to board, then follow the trail of gems to the whirlpool. Save the game at the saving stone. In the whirlpool, carefully time your leaps to each of the spinning boards until you reach the center. Jump to the rope in the center and climb up. Cross the decrepit bridge, then follow the trail to the troll lair. The walls of the entrance will collapse behind you, but that's okay.
The Trolls
- 5
Follow the trail of gems to the first troll. Stay behind the rock until he walks away, then run quickly across to the next blue gems. Walk behind the rocks until you get to the next gap. Wait until the troll walks away again, then tiptoe past the sitting troll.
6Jump up to the rock ledge, then continue jumping from ledge to ledge, following the blue gems. Save the game at the saving stone, then walk to the resting troll. When the troll starts to yawn, tiptoe past him, being careful not to bump into him.
7Creep from stone to stone beside the clearing, but only when the walking troll has his back turned to you. Once you get to the last rock, wait until the troll is walking away, then tiptoe behind the sitting stone and pick up the purse.
How To Make Roast Beef Recipe (Beef) - Videojug - Get Good
www.videojug.com Food & Drink Food Recipes Meat BeefRating: 3.6/5 510 ratingsVideo : Roast Beef Recipe. What is Sunday without a traditional roast beef dinner? This recipe teaches you how to cook the meat to your desired taste and gives you ...
How to Cook Beef Roast eHow
www.ehow.com Food & Drink Main Dishes Meat RecipesIf you are making a beef roast for your family or guests who are coming for dinner, you'll want your roast to be perfectly done and juicy. A collection of herbs and ...
Open Pit Roast Beef by the BBQ Pit Boys - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4U5mJ0T5FwWelcome to Summer north of the equator! Get your Barbecue shoes on and join us at the Pit because we're kicking back and cooking up some low and slow beef ...
How to Rescue a Tough Roast Beef - Yahoo! Voices -
voices.yahoo.com/how-rescue-tough-roast-beef-3984000.htmlAug 08, 2009 Sometimes you are stuck with a piece of roast beef that looks more fit to make into a riding saddle than to eat. But fear not, with a little cooking magic ...
How to Make the Best Roast Beef - How to Cook - Cooks Country
www.cookscountry.com/how-to/roast-beefIt takes careful cooking to transform a large piece of beef into tender, succulent slices. To find the best ways to do this, weve developed dozens of roast beef ...
Kalyn's Kitchen: How to Make Pot Roast in a Crockpot and
www.kalynskitchen.com/2007/01/how-to-make-pot-roast-in-crockpot.html(Here's a popular pot roast recipe that seems perfect to feature for our Month of Daily Phase One recipes. If you think pot roast made in the crockpot is going to be ...
How to Cook a Beef Roast in the NuWave Oven eHow
www.ehow.com Food & Drink Main Dishes Meat RecipesThe NuWave convection oven is a table or counter-top appliance that can help save energy and does not heat up the house the way a conventional oven does. A beef roast ...
How to Roast a Beef Tenderloin - Fine Cooking - quick recipes ...
www.finecooking.com/videos/how-to-roast-beef-tenderloin.aspxHow to Roast a Beef Tenderloin A great option for Christmas, New Year's Eve,or any special occasion meal, beef tenderloin is easier to cook than you might think.
How to Cook Roast Beef - Mahalo.com
www.mahalo.com/how-to-cook-roast-beefIf you have always wanted to learn how to cook roast beef, but have never tried, there's no time like the present to give it a go! Making roast beef is...
Roast Beef Bacon Cheeseburger recipe by the BBQ Pit Boys -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlpiJOiThfQFor our 300th video on YouTube, we thought we'd celebrate by cooking up a classic American style burger, BBQ Pit Boys style of course. This recipe, BBQ Pit ...
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