"Poptropica" is an online game for kids to explore and socialize with one another. There are sections where a child can play by herself, completing levels such as the Shark Tooth Island, and others where she can experience adventures with other players. In "Poptropica," there are no scary or offensive situations, making it an appropriate game for children.
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Move right on the island toward the Ancient Ruins. Skip the short room and go all the way right until you see a sign saying "Booga Bay." Continue right toward the bay. Speak to the first guy you see to receive a grass skirt and put it on. Return to the Ancient Ruins. When you see the large stone in the middle, jump over it and push it right so it ends up next to the palm tree. Jump onto the rock and jump again to grab a vine. Continue up the vines to the top of the tree and talk to the medicine man.
2Get back on the ground and walk left until you reach a temple. Go inside the temple and jump down until you see a moving platform to the left, and jump onto it. Keep going left until you see a panel, which you need to click on. Count from the left and press the third, fourth, sixth and seventh teeth and then click on the large triangle to open the door. Go inside and slide down the vine. Go left, jump over the shark statue and jump down. Pick up the bone off the ground and head back to the right to the shark statue. Jump on the platform and go left until you see a chamber with a green vine. Go up the vine and run across the screen to an urn. Jump on the urn and get a Key Ingredient. Leave the chamber by jumping and climbing up the vine.
3Go right and speak to the man outside Coconut Cafe to receive an ingredient. Go back to the medicine man on top of the tree at the Ancient Ruin and talk to him. The latest games are not simple reference of entertainment, quite these demand some capabilities to play and win. The computer generated enemies fight against the gamers and defeating them is a big deal. The gaming companies supply games cheat parts to the players so that they could thrash the violent enemies. These cheats are generally the codes that are used for offering a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These allow the gamers in moving on to the next phase by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are offered with all kinds of games. Nonetheless, it is advised not to use them very often otherwise one can loose the excitement after playing for sometime. These can be used when a software will cause issues in computer or freezes it. In some cases, the developers their selves offer the codes so that the players could be released to the next grades of the game. Not every individual will recognize that games cheat systems are the right things to be used while playing games. They look at cheating as a dreadful trait and consequently cheat codes should not be used. However, these come to be very helpful when the gamer is not having any idea how to go ahead while playing game. For illustration, one wants to jump up to other stages without completing previous ones. The cheats come to be very helpful in this circumstance as the players do not get annoyed. He will give you a potion. Jump down and go to Booga Bay and move right until you see a sign saying "Feed the Shark." Click on the cannon to activate it, point it up, and click again to launch a coconut. Cross the river and get to the small island until you can go only left or right. Go right and speak to Professor Hammerhead. Head back to the large island across the water to see a crying woman, who will talk to you. Professor Hammerhead will give you a gold medallion, which completes the Shark Tooth Island.
Video: How to Beat SOS Island Poptropica eHow
www.ehow.com Video, Computer & Internet Games Video GamesThe acronym "SOS" typically stands for "save our ship." Find out how to beat SOS Island on Poptropica with help from a video game expert in this free video clip.
How do you beat Astro Knights Island - The Q&A wiki
wiki.answers.com Poptropica Astro Knights IslandAstro Knights Island is the 9th island of Poptropica. There are two solutions here: one deals predominantly with player actions; the other deals with the ...
Shark Tooth Island Guide Poptropica Help Blog - your ...
poptropicahelp.net/island-help/shark-tooth-island/shark-tooth-guideWalkthrough written by Slanted Fish; pictures by Purplering. First, go to Shark Tooth Island (if you are not already on it). You should be on Main Street.
On poptropica shark tooth island what is the code to the secret
wiki.answers.com Games Video Games PoptropicaWhere is the code for shark tooth island on poptropica? On top of the tunnel to get there you have to push the big block to the edge of the entrance and hop on it to ...
How to Beat Poptropica Shark Tooth Island Poptropica Cheats
poptropicacheats.net/.../how-to-beat-poptropica-shark-tooth-islandShark Tooth Island is one of the first island quests in Poptropica and is certainly one of the fastest and easiest to do. Here is a complete Shark Tooth
Shark Tooth Island - Poptropica Wiki
poptropica.wikia.com/wiki/Shark_Tooth_IslandShark Tooth Island is the 2nd island released on Poptropica. Arrive on Shark Tooth. Go to the...
Shark Tooth Island Poptropica Help Blog - your Poptropica key.
poptropicahelp.net/island-help/shark-tooth-islandTrivia. Shark Tooth Island is Poptropicas 2nd island, released soon after Early Poptropica in 2007. Common room: Coconut Cafe; Visiting the Shark Museum is not ...
How to beat Shark Tooth Island Part 1 - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CCii3gCHYgSign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add poptropicacp 's video to your playlist.
poptropica island cheats: how to beat night watch island on poptropica
Mar 21, 2013 ARRIVING AT THE MALL 1) There is a line of customers who are waiting overnight for a gizmo due to be sold the next day, but this does
How To Beat Shark Tooth Island(Poptropica) - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6pjehi8wDQrate 5 stars if u got medal ... dont feel like doing this island well its already done with 125 credits
www.poptropica.comPoptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see ...
Walkthrough - How to beat the whole poptropica! Walkthrough
www.cheatsguru.com PC Cheats Poptropica CheatsWalkthrough - How to beat the whole poptropica! Walkthrough for Poptropica PC: Early Poptropica Island: First, you have to get a glow stick from the well in the ...
How do you beat Ghost Story Island on Poptropica - The Q&A wiki
wiki.answers.com Games Video Games PoptropicaGhost Story Island is the 23rd island in Poptropica. It was scheduled for release as the first new island of 2012, on January 12, 2012. The quest involves discovering ...
How to Get Free Poptropica Credits - Mahalo.com
www.mahalo.com/how-to-get-free-poptropica-creditsThe online game for kids, Poptropica is free to play, but kids have the option of creating custom avatars, buying "super special costumes and extra items...
Island Help Poptropica Help Blog - your Poptropica key.
poptropicahelp.net/island-helpPoptropica is filled with a variety of islands, each one unique with its own stories, characters, and plot. Your job is to help the citizens of each island solve ...
Poptropica Cheats for Shark Tooth Island - Virtual World Games
poptropicahints.com/poptropica-cheats-for-shark-tooth-islandPoptropica Cheats for Shark Tooth Island you should follow to complete all quests on poptropica shark tooth island adventure.
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