"Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" is a video game that can be played on an Xbox game console. The goal of the game is to move through the tough city streets, fighting rival gangs while building your own. Gaining respect in the streets will allow you to gain privileges and money that would otherwise be unavailable.
Unlimited Ammunition
To get all the ammo you can carry at any time, pause the game and press "L-Trigger, R-Trigger, X, R-Trigger, Left, Black, R-Trigger, Left, X, Down, L-Trigger, L-Trigger," then hit "Enter."
Armor, Health, Money
You can max out your armor, health and money with one cheat code. Pause the game, then enter "R-Trigger, Black, L-Trigger, A, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up." Your armor and health will max out, and you will also receive an increased money supply. Since money does not max out, you can repeat this cheat as needed to accumulate more money.
Maximum Respect
Maximum respect will give you the respect you need to complete missions and gain street alliances. Pause the game, then press "L-Trigger, R-Trigger, Y, Down, Black, A, L-Trigger, Up, White, White, L-Trigger, L-Trigger."
Wanted Levels
Wanted levels determine the amount of police you have chasing you. As you commit crimes, your wanted level increases, making you prone to arrest, which will require you to restart the mission. To lower your wanted levels, pause the game and enter "R-Trigger, R-Trigger, B, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down."
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheats - GameSpot.com
www.gamespot.com/grand-theft-auto-san-andreas/cheatsRating: 9/10 By GameSpot Published Jun 07, 2005Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas walkthroughs, cheats, FAQs, hints, and guides you need to take your game to the next level.
Rockstar Games: Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
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