"Virtual Villagers: A New Home" is the first in a series of games from Last Day of Work. The company has since released three other Virtual Villagers games and tycoon games that contain some plant and fish life from Virtual Villagers. To beat the game, players will need to figure out the mystery of the island and they will need to decipher puzzles. The game provides a few clues on how to solve the puzzles, but some are difficult to unravel.
Drag and drop a builder onto the well. He will remove the debris so that the villagers will have access to fresh drinking water.
Build New Home
Drop a builder onto an incomplete hut and he will build a new home. The maximum population of the island will increase and the villagers will be able to have new babies to populate the tribe.
Buy level 3 Spirituality. Move a builder to southern side of the island until you see a rock. Drop him on the rock and he will begin to create an idol.
When you have a master scientist, drag her to the building area above the research table. She will build a new school. The children will be able to learn new skills before they become adults.
Buy level 2 Construction when you have enough tech points. Drag villagers to the top left section of the screen until you come across boulders that are blocking water. When the rocks have been removed, a lagoon will form on the island.
New Food Source
When the lagoon appears, drop a master farmer into the water. She will begin to hunt for fish and this will provide a permanent source of food for the villagers.
Buy Spirituality level 2. Wait for a villager to die and when he does, move a villager to the top left of the island and drop her onto the ground. More modern games are not just source of entertainment, quite these involve some knowledge to play and win. The computer developed enemies fight against the gamers and eliminating them is a big deal. The gaming companies supply games cheat systems to the players so that they may thrash the terrifying enemies. These cheats are quite simply the codes that are used for allowing a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These help the gamers in moving on to the next phase by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are offered with all genres of games. Nevertheless, it is advised not to use them very frequently otherwise one can loose the pleasure after playing for sometime. These can be used when a software causes complications in computer or freezes it. In some situations, the developers on their own offer the codes so that the players could be unveiled to the next levels of the game. Not every individual will agree that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They look at cheating as a horrific trait and as a result cheat codes should not be used. However, these become very helpful when the gamer is not getting any clue how to go in advance while playing game. For illustration, one wants to jump up to other grades without finishing previous ones. The cheats turn into helpful in this scenario as the players do not get disappointed. The villager will discover a new place to create a graveyard to bury deceased inhabitants.
Golden Child
Drop a nursing mother into the lagoon. The infant will grow into a toddler with special powers, who is known as the Golden Child.
Move the Golden Child to the flower garden. Wait for a few seconds and butterflies will fly into the garden and cause all of the flowers to bloom.
To end the game, the Golden Child will have to move a large boulder from the entrance of the cave in the top section of the island. This will happen when the Golden Child is ready; there is nothing that you can do to speed up the process. The only thing you can do is to create the Golden Child as soon as possible.
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