In "Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne," the expansion to the "Reign of Chaos" campaign, players continue the Warcraft stor...
Fate Wild Tangent Cheats
Fate (Wild Tangent) is an adventure-puzzle video game available for the PC that allows gamers to travel to and explore a mystical world of d...
Cheats for "The Sims 2: Glamour Life"
"The Sims 2: Glamour Life" is an expansion pack for "The Sims 2" that adds new furniature, decorative items and clothing...
PS2 Madden 2008 Online Cheats
Madden NFL 2008 was released in 2007 as the 19th edition in the series. The Madden NFL series is one of the most respected and best-selling ...
How to Defeat the Shiva Sisters on "FFXIII"
"Final Fantasy" is a longstanding series that was introduced in 1987. Shiva, one of several elemental creatures, was first introdu...
Sudden Strike 3 Arms for Victory Cheats
Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory is a comprehensive RTS (real-time strategy) game for Windows that simulates some of the biggest battles an...
"LEGO Stars Wars:" Infinite Health Cheats
"Lego Star Wars" is a video game developed by Traveller's Tales and Eidos Interactive and released in April 2005. It is a scie...
Iron Man Action Replay Max Cheats for PS2
"Iron Man" for the PlayStation 2, casts players in the role of Tony Stark, who becomes Iron Man when he invents a high-tech suit o...