"Lego Mars Mission: CrystAlien Conflict" is a strategy game similar to the titles in Blizzard's "StarCraft" series. It can be played online at Lego's Mars Mission website. The game has a number of cheat codes you can enter in order to make it a little easier. Innovative games are not only base of entertainment, alternatively these need some skills to play and win. The computer developed opponents fight against the players and defeating them is a big deal. The gaming companies deliver games cheat methods to the players so that they could thrash the violent enemies. These cheats are generally the codes that are used for offering a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These facilitate the gamers in accelerating to the next phase by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are available with all kinds of games. Nonetheless, it is advised not to use them very often otherwise one can loose the excitement once playing for sometime. These can be used when a software factors concerns in computer or freezes it. In some situations, the developers themselves offer the codes so that the players could be unveiled to the next grades of the game. Not every individual will acknowledge that games cheat methods are the right things to be used while playing games. They think of cheating as a terrible trait and as a result cheat codes should not be used. However, these turn into very helpful when the gamer is not getting any idea how to go onward while playing game. For case, one wants to jump up to other grades without finishing previous ones. The cheats become effective in this situation as the players do not get irritated.
Play as Santa
There is an alternative way to play the game where you play as neither the Astronauts nor the Aliens, but as Old Saint Nicholas himself. In the opening screen, there is a text bar with the words "Access Code" next to it. Type in the word "Santa" and you will unlock this secret mode.
Free Credits
Constructing the various buildings in "CrystAlien Conflict" can add up after awhile to become quite a financial burden. However, if you want to start off with a little extra scratch in your pocket, type "fatwallet" at the "Access Code" text box, in order to start with an extra 50,000 credits.
Ultimate Code
Like many games of this nature, there is a code that gives you a variety of different upgrades as opposed to just one. Type in "moneypenny" at the "Access Code" text box to get 50,000 credits, rapid-fire shooting, full map visibility, faster building, and three times your normal starting health.
Cheat code blog thingy
legocheatcodes.blogspot.comFirst of all, here are the Lego Star wars the Quest for R2D2 cheatcodes I have so far: darkforce; this particular code gives the Sith double strength.
Mining the Red Planet - LEGO Mars Mission wiki
legomarsmission.wikia.com/wiki/Mining_the_Red_PlanetMining the Red Planet is the first level in the CrystAlien Conflict Game on LEGO.com. It Has the...
Crystalien Conflict - Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki
lego.wikia.com/wiki/CrystAlien_ConflictCrystalien Conflict is an online Mars Mission strategy game that was playable on LEGO.com. In...
CrystAlien Conflict - LEGO Mars Mission wiki
legomarsmission.wikia.com/wiki/Crystalien_ConflictCrystAlien Conflict is a popular game based on the LEGO Mars Mission series, it consists of...
CrystAlien Conflict - AiE v2.85
austin.familyjones.org/games/CrystAlien%20Conflict.htmldistance to mars:
ALL Crystalien Conflict CHEAT CODES + LINK TO GAME !!!!! -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUJSfN7rWB8PLAY THE GAME: http://marsmission.lego.com/en-us/gam... Complete collection of ALL the Crystalien Conflict cheat codes!!!!! Hope this helps!! :) Lego Mars ...
CrystAlien Conflict: DESTROY ALL!! - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3-jSef6mP0Lol. I used cheats ot blow up the humans AND aliens. I won!! :D Now, NO MORE COMMENTS ABOUT THE GAME OR ASKING FOR CODES!!!!! ONLY COMMENT
Crystalien Conflict
wikibin.org/articles/crystalien-conflict.htmlCrystAlien Conflict is a strategy game that involves the use of units and buildings to survive. It is based on the Lego Mars Mission theme. It is somewhat similar to ...
Cheat code blog thingy: Lego.com Ninjago Spinjitsu Smash DX
Jun 18, 2011 Lego.com Ninjago Spinjitsu Smash DX cheat codes (enter in the Card Library "Enter Code" thing, obviously) 4434 2112 3344 3424 For
What are all mars mission crystalien conflict cheat codesI know ...
wiki.answers.com Categories Entertainment & Arts Toysfatwallet - 50,000 credits 299792458 - build faster quickbuild - build faster n00b/newbie - triple shields 1337 - reset cheats eclipse - human level 10 nightfall ...
Latest Searches
www.fukgames.com/latest-searchesJuly 10, 2013 - First ...
Geotechnical News & Resources for Geoprofessionals
www.geoengineer.orgGeoengineer.org is the International Information Center for Geoprofessionals, providing free access Geotechnical News and Resources for Geoprofessionals and ...
LEGO.com - The World's Biggest LEGO Shop! - Kanda PF Directory
thnfmw.kanda-pf.biz/Dir/4/Fun/LEGO/index.htmlLEGO Shop At Home - The World's Biggest LEGO Shop! The official online LEGO toy store featuring complete collections of LEGO BIONICLE, Star Wars ...
Mars Mission - Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki
lego.wikia.com/wiki/Mars_MissionThis article is about the theme. For the set, see 3059 Mars Mission. Mars Mission is a subtheme...
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