"Midtown Madness" is a racing game that was released for Windows computers in 1999. It differs from most racing games because it doesn't have a set track that players must follow. Racers must travel through checkpoints set up around an open simulation of the streets of Chicago. There are three different ways for players to cheat: players can edit the game shortcut to unlock cars and races, enter cheat codes during single-player races and input passwords when entering their names.
Shortcut Cheats
Two cheats for "Midtown Madness" require adding a parameter to the desktop shortcut target. Right click on the shortcut for the game and select "Properties" from the menu. The parameters are added at the very end of the text in the "Target" line. Do not delete or modify the text already present. Every car in the game is automatically unlocked by adding "-allcars" to the target text. Every race in the game is automatically unlocked by adding "-allrace." Both of these cheats can be used by adding "-allcars -allrace" to the target line.
Cheat Codes
Cheat codes for "Midtown Madness" can only be entered during the middle of a single-player race. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F7 to bring up the prompt to enter cheats. The code will go into effect after entering the code and pressing the Enter key. Entering "/nodamage" will disable the damage caused by collisions. This cheat is turned off by entering "/damage." The gravity in the game can be decreased in half by entering "/grav." This will allow cars to travel higher and further when knocked into the air. The radar for cops can be toggled on or off by entering "/fuzz." The friction effect on nonrace cars can be turned off by typing "/slide." This will cause these cars to slide around uncontrollably after collisions. Typing "/puck" will turn off the friction for the player's car.
Enter Name Passwords
"Midtown Madness" allows a player to enter cheat passwords at the start of the new game. These passwords are entered as the player name. Entering "Showme Cops" as the name will cause cop cars to appear on the game radar. This will make them much easier to avoid during a race. AlI cars can be made faster by entering "Warp Eleven" as the player name. More modern games are not only base of entertainment, alternatively these need some expertise to play and win. The computer developed enemies fight against the players and eliminating them is a big deal. The gaming companies offer games cheat methods to the players so that they might thrash the threatening enemies. These cheats are quite simply the codes that are used for supplying a slip to the computer so that the player could win the game. These allow the gamers in advancing to the next stage by just pressing a few keys. Cheat codes are accessible with all types of games. Nonetheless, it is advised not to use them very often usually one can loose the excitement once playing for sometime. These can be used when a software reasons problems in computer or freezes it. In some cases, the developers their selves deliver the codes so that the players could be unveiled to the next levels of the game. Not every individual will acknowledge that games cheat systems are the right things to be used while playing games. They look at cheating as a nasty trait and therefore cheat codes should not be used. However, these become very helpful when the gamer is not becoming any vision how to go onward while playing game. For example, one wants to jump up to other grades without finishing previous ones. The cheats come to be valuable in this situation as the players do not get frustrated. The player can have a black limo as his or her car by entering "valimoblack" and choosing the Mustang GT for their car. The password "valimoangel" has the same effect, except the limo will be white. The player can get a yellow cab by entering "vataxi" and selecting the Cadillac for his or her car. The green cab is acquired in the same fashion, except "vataxicheck" is entering instead.
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