Released to US consumers by Rockstar Games in October of 2002, "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" is the sixth game in a series featuri...
Cheats for "Immortal Grand Prix"
"Immortal Grand Prix," also known as "IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix," is a video game developed by Namco Bandai Games and re...
Brigade E5 Cheats
In "Brigade E5: New Jagged Union" for the PC, you play a mercenary in the fictional island nation of Palinero. While there, you mu...
Is There an Invincibility Cheat in "Halo 1" on Xbox?
Cheat codes make a video game easier. An invincibility cheat for Halo: Combat Evolved would decrease the game's difficulty for the less ...
How to Make a GameShark for the PS2
The Sony PlayStation 2 is a home gaming console. If you wish to cheat on a PS2 game, you can use a PS2 GameShark. If you have a code that y...
Madden 2007 Cheats for GameCube
In "Madden NFL '07" for GameCube, players take control of their favorite football team as they rush, intercept and make touchd...
"Stronghold 2" Add-ons & Cheats
"Stronghold 2" is a personal computer video game developed by FireFly Studios and 2K Games and was released in April 2005. It is a...
How to Make Your Lightsaber Purple
Although Jedi Master Mace Windu was the only character in the "Star Wars" movies to wield a purple lightsaber, you can change the ...